Horse Goddesses
9 Day Retreat with the Horses of the Horse-Inspiration Academy
March 23 – 31, 2024 /// Andalusia / Spain
(This course is also suitable for people without any horse experience.)

“It started with a feeling”
“A feeling that lasted little more than 10 breaths. The said feeling came from the area around the navel. It was like there was another world right there, around my belly button. This world was more colourful, more intimate and somehow more luminous than the world I had known up until then.”
Course Information
In this course, especially for women, we focus on two aspects of being a woman in particular:

The woman on the brown horse
Sie war braungebrannt und muskulös, jedoch in Ihrer Erscheinung auch irgendwie zierlich. Sie lief barfuss. Es war wohl warm in dieser Welt, denn sie war auch sonst sehr dürftig bekleidet. Ihre Kleider sahen aus wie die Natur die sie umgab. Und ihre Augen funkelten vor Vergnügen.
Ich hörte Sie wild lachen. Diese Frau hatte sich vom Korsett der guten Benimmregeln befreit. Das war jedenfalls das erste was mir einschoss als ich sie beobachtete.
Und dann sah ich wie sie sich auf ein unbeschreiblich schönes braunes Pferd schwang und in Richtung einer wilden Felslandschaft davon galoppierte. Eine Sonnenfinsternis färbte diese leidenschaftliche Welt in schwärzliches rot. Zaum und Sattel waren dieser Frau fremd. Ihr Pferd war so wild wie sie selbst, und sie so frei wie Ihr Pferd.
Diese Frau und Ihr braunes, wildes Pferd, und diese wilde Welt, gingen mir nicht mehr aus dem Sinn.
Die Frau auf dem braunen Pferd ist ein nach außen gerichteter, aktiver Aspekt des seins, der sich auf ein Ziel fokussiert. Ist der Fokus erstmal gesetzt, läßt sich dieser Aspekt nicht durch Zweifel oder Hindernisse irritieren.
Um diesen Aspekt in uns frei zu legen müssen wir unser HARA aktivieren. Das Hara ist ein Chi Punkt 2 Finger unterhalb unseres Bauchnabels. Dieser Punkt ist aus dem Kampfsport bekannt. Ich arbeite nun schon seit mehr als 20 Jahren mit 100derten von Frauen. Und bei den meisten Frauen ist dieser Punkt deaktiviert. Viel Ungelöstes aus negativen Erfahrungen zum Thema Dominanz und Macht verdeckt diese wunderbare Kraft. Mit dem Pferd gemeinsam tauchen wir mutig hinab in die Höhle des Löwen, den eigenen unbequemen, ungelösten Gefühlen, um am anderen Ende klar und mächtig mit der Energie des Haras mit einem Pferd zu tanzen. Bald wird dann klar dass der Tanz des Haras sich in deinem Leben fortsetzen wird. Du wirst so unbeirrbar wie die Frau auf dem braunen Pferd deinem Herzensweg folgen. Was auch immer das für dich bedeutet.

The woman on the white horse
And again I saw a woman, but not the same woman who had ridden the brown horse. This woman sat on a white horse, but also without saddle and bridle, and looked at me.
Then she turned her horse and rode leisurely along a small rise. Her feet were bare and she had long legs that seemed to enclose the body of her strong horse. Her toes were pointed downwards, similar to a dancer’s feet. Her posture was upright and proud. Her gaze was relaxed and friendly.
There was a smile in her eyes and she didn’t seem to know the word “worry”. Yes, there was something about her that showed no sign of fear. She seemed so connected to life that there was nothing that could scare her. She seemed “sovereign”. And she seemed to have endless time. The connection to her horse was deep and intimate. I got the impression they both knew exactly where they came from and where they were going.
The woman on the white horse corresponds to an inward, softer aspect. Her calm, wise and soft way of connecting with herself and the “outside” stands for a form of “felt spirituality” that gives meaning to our outward actions.
In order to strengthen this aspect of being a woman, we take our time in nature, by the sea and a shaman will go on a healing journey with you and the togetherness of us women opens a space that is so infinitely missing in our fast-moving times:
The space of gentle acceptance of everything that IS.
So that we get to where all the answers, everything BEING and the flow of life can be found: IN THE HERE AND NOW. In the presence of the omnipresent moment. We will be getting PRESENT where we will experience the FLOW.
Woman and Horse
When the horse recognizes itself IN YOU, you have arrived.
Course Content
The 9-day course is made up as follows:

The training includes 6 days, 2 units per day:
The units consist of a daily unit with the horse from the ground, as well as another unit without a horse from shamanic teachings. These can also last longer (up to 3 hours). There are a total of 6 wonderful horses of different ages available. 4 Arabs, 1 Lusitano and an Andalusian. All horses live on the finca and are worked by me. They are very clear and confident mirrors.

Aside from that:
1 day excursion to the sea
1 day work with a shaman
1 day free for integration
Prices & Booking Options
Course prices do not include accommodation and meals
Horse Goddesses
|| 9 Day Retreat ||
March 23 – 31, 2024
Seminar Venue – Accommodation & Meals – Arrival

Finca San Pedro


House San Pedro


Course Beginning & End
Course beginning:Â Saturday, 6pm
Arrival:Â Saturday, latest 5pm
Course end:Â Sunday, 3pm
Departure:Â Sunday, after 3 pm
On the return flight, note that the bus ride to the nearest airport will take around 1.5 to 2 hours. The return flight should therefore not be before Sunday evening or Monday.
Accommodation and Food
at Cinco Lunas
The horse goddess course takes place in cooperation with the retreat center Cinco Lunas Retreat Oasis & Vegan Conscious Guesthouse.
The price is in addition to the retreat price and you would have to make the booking yourself.
Price accommodation and meals:
Overnight stay in a shared 2-bed room & full board
€ 710,- per person
More information about Cinco Lunas:
Room reservation:
Please book your room at Cinco Lunas with Sabina. Please use the following email address:
Sabina from Cinco Lunas will take care of your reservation and stay at Cinco Lunas. If necessary, she also offers pick-ups from the airport in Málaga (for € 100,-), Seville (for € 80,-) or Jerez de la Frontera (for € 70,-). You can also discuss this directly with her if necessary.
Travel Information
Seville and Jerez de la Frontera
Cheap flights can be found here:
From Seville:
From Seville Airport by bus or taxi to Seville Prado San Sebastian Bus Station or Plaza de Armas Bus Station. From there there is a bus connection to Villamartin.
From Jerez de la Frontera:
From Jerez de la Frontera Airport by bus or taxi to Jerez Bus Station. From there there is a bus connection to Villamartin.
You can check your bus connection here:
You can also buy the bus tickets directly on site.
We will pick you up from VillamartÃn by car.
Rental car:
You can also rent a car at the airport for the duration of the retreat. This gives you more flexibility if you want to do an excursion on your own. Car rental prices in Spain are very cheap.
You can find good offers here, for example:Â

Guestroom 1

Guestroom 2

Guestroom 3

Relax Area

Little Oasis


Pool (in Summer)

Registration Course Horse Goddesses
Book your horse goddess course in Andalusia / Spain now
Impressions from the Course